Osteoarthritis, also known as osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis, is a chronic degenerative disease that affects cartilage structures that prevent friction between the bones, especially in the joints. It is not possible to say that arthrosis is curable, but the proper treatment can alleviate the symptoms and delay wear progression. The condition can be established in people of all ages, but it is more common after the age of 50 due to natural wear and tear on the body.
Symptoms Of Arthrosis
The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are joint pain, difficulty in moving, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. It is also common for the patient to feel a burning sensation in the affected region and notice creaking noises during the movement of the affected areas. Naturally, all these signs negatively influence the quality of life and worsen over time if the disease is not treated.
“When present in the spine, arthrosis can cause neurological changes called peripheral radiculopathies in very advanced cases.” This problem is the destruction of nerves in the spine and can lead to muscle strength and sensation loss. All of these risks show that treatment is essential to alleviate symptoms and avoid even worse complications.
Causes Of Arthrosis
A prominent factor in arthrosis emergence is the wear and tear on the joints due to aging since it manifests itself more in older adults. However, other causes influence the establishment of the condition. Are they:
- Overload of joints, due to some work or activity in which it is necessary to squat and lift heavy objects frequently;
- overweight, as it causes more excellent wear on the joints, especially on the legs and spine;
- sports that demand a lot from certain joints and with constant twisting movements.
Treatment For Arthrosis
The treatment of arthrosis like the osteoarthritis of the hip (ข้อ สะโพก เสื่อม which is the term in Thai) is based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics to reduce pain, inflammation, and joint discomfort in general, especially in the acute phase of the disease, when the pain is very severe, and on the practice of moderate-intensity physical exercise and physiotherapy. These activities should be performed daily to encourage movement and strengthen the joints. More intense exercises should be avoided precisely so as not to overload the already compromised places.
To control the disease, chondroprotective drugs are used, which help to stabilize the condition and slow down joint wear. Scientific studies have shown the benefits of the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin in reducing pain and improving joint mobility in patients who use them continuously.